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The Cloud Is The Backbone Of Remote Work

Many firms urged their staff to report to work prior to the pandemic, whether for leadership, community, security, or other reasons. Regardless of their previous opinions, COVID-19 caused enterprises all around the world to quickly move to remote labor.

Tips to Improve the ROI of Your Software Investment

As with hardware investments, it’s important to understand how well your software serves your business. Sometimes, you might purchase software and avoid the help menu or user manual. Experts say the majority of the features included with the software are unused.

Your Hybrid, Multi-cloud, and Edge Strategy Just Got Better With Azure

We've all faced unforeseen obstacles in the last few years that have impacted the way we work and think about digital transformation. Digital technology is more important than ever in addressing the way our customers do business. Microsoft sees a huge opportunity to assist their clients drive innovation across their organizations and improve their customers' experiences as cloud computing becomes more common.

What is Cyber Insurance, and Which Plan Should You Choose For Your Business?

Data leaks and other forms of cybercrime are unfortunately becoming much too common. For a bargain retailer, one of the nation's top banks, a well-known health insurer, an entertainment network, and the federal government, data breaches have resulted in major fines and legal expenditures – not to mention hassles – in the last couple of years.

Beware! Potential Russian Cyberwarfare

Intelligence finds that Russia has initiated cyberwarfare techniques against Ukraine as military engagement escalates. Given the potential for similar attacks on US-based targets, we want to provide an update on what we know so far, and our recommendations to ensure the ongoing fidelity of your cybersecurity services for the protection of your business.