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What is Cyber Insurance, and Which Plan Should You Choose For Your Business?

Data leaks and other forms of cybercrime are unfortunately becoming much too common. For a bargain retailer, one of the nation's top banks, a well-known health insurer, an entertainment network, and the federal government, data breaches have resulted in major fines and legal expenditures – not to mention hassles – in the last couple of years.

Beware! Potential Russian Cyberwarfare

Intelligence finds that Russia has initiated cyberwarfare techniques against Ukraine as military engagement escalates. Given the potential for similar attacks on US-based targets, we want to provide an update on what we know so far, and our recommendations to ensure the ongoing fidelity of your cybersecurity services for the protection of your business.

When your workers are quitting, "good enough" collaboration isn't enough

People are quitting their jobs in record numbers. Many people in their team and company feel disconnected, invisible, and unheard, and the collaborative technologies they use are contributing to this. We all assumed we'd be back to normal, or at least to pre-Covid normal, by now. Unfortunately, that is not the case for the majority of us.

Microsoft is Raising Prices for the First Time In a Long Time: Here’s Why

Microsoft is raising the price of its Office 365 and Microsoft 365 services for the first time in a decade. This new pricing reflects the improved value they’ve provided over the last decade. Let's look at some of the breakthroughs they've made in three major areas over the last decade: communications and collaboration, security and compliance, and AI and automation, as well as the addition of audio conferencing capabilities.