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GUEST POST: Three Reasons Why You WANT Your Team to Telecommute

Working from home or more formally known as telecommuting, has grown popular nowadays. There are many reasons for that, including work-life balance for employees and the globalization of the internet. Almost every person on the planet has a device that can access the internet; achieving the ideal balance of career and personal life has long been sought after by many.

Data security vs. network security: What should your business prioritize?

Many businesses that have allowed employees to continue working from home for the foreseeable future are aware that they need to update their cybersecurity. It’s likely that they have allocated some budget and IT resources to make those necessary changes. However, IT budgets are finite. Given the economic disruption of the pandemic, enterprises must strategically decide where to invest their cybersecurity budget most effectively.

What’s the Deal with 5G?

We know you’ve probably seen a million commercials from various telecommunication providers announcing their new 5G connectivity. So what really is a 5G network and how does it compare to the current 4G networks? We have you covered answering all of your questions below.

LinkedIn Security: How can you Protect yourself from New Cyber-Threats on the Business Social Platform?

Linkedin provides hackers with convenient resources The social media platform LinkedIn has built itself up to be a fundamental part of the business community. It’s no longer acceptable for a working professional or business to not have a profile on LinkedIn. Social networking on LinkedIn has enabled advancements in marketing, hiring, and tons of other business activities. However, with so much business and personal information posted on the platform for anyone to view, phishing threats are terribly easy for hackers to achieve.

Taking the lead from Social Media: Slack Unveils their new Stories Feature

Remote workplace communications have flourished since March of this year. Front-running collaboration software like Microsoft Teams, Zoom, and Slack have put a ton of focus on their end-user experience in order to make remote work as efficient as possible for small businesses. While many are working from home, these tools and their usability are especially important. Project tools and video-conferencing solutions have been in the forefront of remote work thus far, but with Slack unveiling their newest features, the future of remote business communication platforms could shift entirely.

IT and Operations: Know the Difference so You Can Save

Not all business issues can be solved by your IT team. Yet, when anything goes wrong, that is who we call. We rarely pause to ask ourselves: what can IT address, or (more importantly) what’s outside IT’s scope of work? We often ask our IT teams to do someone else’s work, which leads to frustrations on both ends and IT not getting the credit they deserve. IT knows what to do with servers, code, and acronyms to remotely fix issues or pull up lost folders for novice daily users.

The Future of the Tech Economy

Technology is shaping how we do things in the modern world. Indeed, things have become vastly different from how they were 50 years ago. CNet's piece on the tech that's changing the world details that technology has shaped everything from transportation to entertainment, emphasizing how tech has been truly integrated into our everyday lives. With that being said, it isn't surprising that tech will have a major impact on the markets and the economy. At the rate technology is going, innovations will completely transform the business landscape in the near future. It's in your best interest to understand how tech will shape the future of business and commerce so you can prepare your company for the future. To help you out, we've put together a list of factors and innovations that will shape the future of different industries. Digital Marketing Digital marketing isn't a new concept. Yet, businesses of all sizes have accelerated their operations in the digital space in order to widen their reach and connect with more customers. Global agency Ayima highlights how technology-driven practices have become necessary to stand out in the digital space, with practices like SEO, analytics, and paid media now common. However, the role of digital marketing is set to be even more important in the coming years. As we've already discussed in our article on the Post-Pandemic Workspace, the aftermath of COVID19 will change businesses. It's had a similar effect on digital marketing, making the once valuable tool even more important for businesses. In fact, the The Drum details that businesses will have to come up with innovative new strategies in order to bounce back from the pandemic. Story-driven marketing can help greatly with this, as well as utilizing new social media platforms such as TikTok. Artificial Intelligence Artificial intelligence (AI) has already begun to influence our daily lives. Everything from our home assistants to our smartphones has integrated some form of AI to help us with our daily tasks and activities. Indeed, the processing power that AI is able to wield to breakdown and interpret data is an invaluable tool that has vastly improved our overall quality of life. This same use of data is what will also push businesses into the future. One particularly useful contribution that AI can impart to businesses is an improved means of using data and business analytics. Countants details that AI can process massive amounts of data to provide businesses with the information to make informed business decisions that'll help their company grow. AI's reach will continue to expand thanks to the rise of the Internet of Things, as more devices connected to the internet will result in improved data collection. Indeed, data and AI will be the lifeblood of businesses in the future. Payment Processing Lastly, payment processing technology will play a big role in the future of businesses. It's a given that improving the means of how consumers make purchases is beneficial for both the business and the consumers themselves. Streamlining this process to make it efficient and hassle-free could be the determining factor that makes or breaks your business. One interesting payment processing option that's been gaining a lot of traction recently is Buy Now Pay Later. CNN's article on this payment processing option highlights how companies such as Nordstrom and Sephora are now letting consumers avail of products without paying for their full price, as they've come up with flexible payment methods that allow consumers to pay for a product in installments. This could be the way of the future considering that millennials in the United States have become averse to using credit cards.