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GUEST POST: Three Reasons Why You WANT Your Team to Telecommute
Working from home or more formally known as telecommuting, has grown popular nowadays. There are many reasons for that, including work-life balance for employees and the globalization of the internet. Almost every person on the planet has a device that can access the internet; achieving the ideal balance of career and personal life has long been sought after by many.
Data security vs. network security: What should your business prioritize?
Many businesses that have allowed employees to continue working from home for the foreseeable future are aware that they need to update their cybersecurity. It’s likely that they have allocated some budget and IT resources to make those necessary changes. However, IT budgets are finite. Given the economic disruption of the pandemic, enterprises must strategically decide where to invest their cybersecurity budget most effectively.
LinkedIn Security: How can you Protect yourself from New Cyber-Threats on the Business Social Platform?
Linkedin provides hackers with convenient resources The social media platform LinkedIn has built itself up to be a fundamental part of the business community. It’s no longer acceptable for a working professional or business to not have a profile on LinkedIn. Social networking on LinkedIn has enabled advancements in marketing, hiring, and tons of other business activities. However, with so much business and personal information posted on the platform for anyone to view, phishing threats are terribly easy for hackers to achieve.
Taking the lead from Social Media: Slack Unveils their new Stories Feature
Remote workplace communications have flourished since March of this year. Front-running collaboration software like Microsoft Teams, Zoom, and Slack have put a ton of focus on their end-user experience in order to make remote work as efficient as possible for small businesses. While many are working from home, these tools and their usability are especially important. Project tools and video-conferencing solutions have been in the forefront of remote work thus far, but with Slack unveiling their newest features, the future of remote business communication platforms could shift entirely.
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