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Make-A-Wish Azure Efficiency

This web link will take you to the story of the Make-A-Wish Foundation, which was able to transition 1,800 staff members to remote work in less than a week's time. For additional details, please contact RCS Professional Services.

Building a Culture of Security For Remote Employees

If you don't remember anything else from this blog post, remember that security is a vital part of organizational culture, especially because the pandemic changed every part of the way we work. In this post, you'll learn all about the key steps that you and your security team can take to ensure that strong security culture is implemented within your organization. Here are our five top tips for keeping security a relevant topic of discussion in the workplace, whether it's virtual or in-person.

Take Stock of Your Technology: A RECAP OF OUR RECENT PANEL

RCS Professional Services hosted a webinar that focused on taking stock of the technology which your business uses. The panelists discussed many topics including the state of cyberattacks and how to avoid them. They shared current cybersecurity stories and anecdotes and explained how cybersecurity plays a vital part in keeping your organization safe and running. The panelists included:

Thinking About Opening an E-Commerce Store? Here’s What You Should Know

Opening an online retail store is easier than ever thanks to new, user-friendly, and cost-effective platforms. However, establishing yourself in the increasingly competitive industry of online retail requires more than just a cursory ability to navigate these platforms. You need to take into consideration things that less-committed independent retailers often overlook if you want to increase your income.

Don't let your business become the next Colonial Pipeline.

If your inbox looks anything like ours it is full of news about the recent cyber attack which ransacked the Colonial Pipeline. In case you did not hear about it (in which case you live under a rock) here's a little recap of what occurred:

Overview of Microsoft Defender ATP

Learn how Microsoft Defender Advanced Threat Protection delivers preventative protection, post-breach detection, automated investigation, and response for enterprise networks. Watch this video for an overview.